Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh will do whatever it takes when it comes to recruiting. Seriously.

We wrote last week how the former San Francisco 49ers coach was having sleepovers in an attempt to land recruits, and now he may have topped that move.

Harbaugh visited four-star cornerback prospect David Long in Southern California on Monday in an effort to get him to join the Wolverines. Wearing his $8 khakis, Harbaugh played some catch in the street with Long’s family and then climbed up a tree for reasons that are still unknown. We hope it was in some way cat related.

Long captured the tree climbing on Snapchat.


This is quite the literal definition of a coaching tree.

Harbaugh has gone above and beyond in attempts to recruit players, and it’s hard to knock his hustle. Hopefully, Harbaugh’s tree-climbing wasn’t for naught, because no 52-year-old should be climbing trees at that time of night.

[Sports Illustrated]

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com