In a galaxy far, far away, someone doesn’t know about the Star Wars films and we feel bad for them. News regarding the new expanded universe is coming out rapidly, and it’s making even casual fans jump for joy.

Lucasfilm is releasing Rogue One this December, and with it, they are leaving tiny little crumbs that give clues about their other films. The most interesting of the bunch is this nugget about the Han Solo prequel film. Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm chief, gave the most news about the film since the casting announcements.

“This moves closer to a heist or Western type feel, we’ve talked about [Frederic] Remington and those primary colors that are used in his paintings defining the look and feel of the film.”

The film has Chris Miller and Phil Lord directing, leaving the film with plenty of unknowns plot-wise. The directing duo is known for their comedic work, so how exactly are they going to handle this film? They are going to need to draw from somewhere and the westerns out there are more parody than anything else.

The cast, including Donald Glover, Emilia Clarke and Alden Ehrenreich, have comedy chops, but can they alone carry the film? Until a trailer comes out, it’ll leave much to the imagination. Lucasfilm has to be happy about that, given the fact that the buzz around the film is already approaching a fever pitch.

Star Wars captured the minds of young kids due to the wonder it struck in many people, and if it can even be emulated by a tiny bit, Lucasfilm will have yet another hit on their hands.


About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at