Video: Vernon Fiddler wipes tears away after making child’s day

The sports world is a special place. Too often the attention is focused on the glamorous side of things, including the lavish lifestyles many athletes are able to afford. There’s also the philanthropic side which is something NHL skaters seem to excel at.

Vernon Fiddler isn’t an exception to the rule and was able to make a young Leukemia survivor’s night.

The little girl, Chloe Brown, is clearly ecstatic. Chloe’s mom posted this on her own Facebook page after seeing that the NHL shared this moment on Twitter:

“This is my little girl, NHL, and she adores Mr. Fiddler. He brought her to her first hockey game 3 years ago as a [member of] Fidd’s Kidds. She is a two time Leukemia survivor and a Dallas Stars fan. If you saw her room you would understand how much he makes her life better each day! Thank you for sharing this so I could see her face.”

What a nice moment for the NHL and for Chloe. This is the great part about sports – bringing people together under the umbrella of community. Kudos to Vernon Fiddler for being a stand up guy.

About Sam Blazer

Sam is a self proclaimed chess prodigy. He once placed seventh in the state of Ohio in Chess when he was in kindergarten. He will rarely if ever mention though that only eight people were entered in this tournament. Contact him at
