LSU Tigers women’s basketball coach Kim Mulkey was the subject of some serious Twitter roasting on Friday.
Mulkey chose a very strange and ridiculous outfit to wear for the occasion.
“Kim Mulkey is not a no-frills coach,” Ken Fang tweeted with two pictures of Mulkey in the ridiculous, pink-frilled white jacket.
Kim Mulkey is not a no-frills coach.
— Ken Fang — Very Asian (@fangsbites) March 24, 2023
“Kim Mulkey is dressed like she stole someone’s leftover decorations from the Spanishtown Parade,” Chrstina Stephens tweeted.
Kim Mulkey is dressed like she stole someone’s leftover decorations from the Spanishtown Parade.
— Christina Stephens / Blue 🌌 = christinastephens (@CEStephens) March 24, 2023
The roasting of Mulkey continued on as the afternoon went on.
“Possible that @KimMulkey’s jacket is somewhat @RicFlairNatrBoy inspired? Certainly seems possible,” Mike Scarborough tweeted.
Possible that @KimMulkey's jacket is somewhat @RicFlairNatrBoy inspired? Certainly seems possible.
— Mike Scarborough (@ScarboroughMike) March 24, 2023
“Kim Mulkey’s fashion is what would happen if you gave my mom an unlimited amount of money & access to every Ross in the country,” Justin Carter tweeted.
Kim Mulkey’s fashion is what would happen if you gave my mom an unlimited amount of money & access to every Ross in the country.
— Justin Carter (@juscarts) March 24, 2023
Perplexed, one fan tweeted, “What is LSU’s coach Kim Mulkey wearing? Plaid, ruffles, floral, and feathers?”
What is LSU's coach Kim Mulkey wearing? Plaid, ruffles, floral, and feathers? 😳
— Write or Die 🦖🍓🥗 (@krystleaugusti1) March 24, 2023
“How many Muppets had to die for that jacket??” Howie Lindsey asked.
How many Muppets had to die for that jacket??
— Howie Lindsey (@howielindsey) March 24, 2023
Lance Medow joked the inspiration came from the legendary “Macho Man” Randy Savage.
the inspiration #NCAATournament #MarchMadness
— Lance Medow (@LanceMedow) March 24, 2023
“The Angriest Flamingo,” Tom Fornelli tweeted.
The Angriest Flamingo
— Tom Fornelli (@TomFornelli) March 24, 2023
“This can’t be Kim Mulkey,” one fan tweeted. “That’s Wanda Joe Oliver’s new hustle.”
This can’t be Kim Mulkey.
That’s Wanda Jo Oliver’s new hustle.
— Mychal (@My_Lo) March 24, 2023
“You’d never guess this is a woman who loves attention being drawn to her,” joked Jack Crosby.
You'd never guess this is a woman who loves attention being drawn to her
— Jack Crosby (@JCrosbyCBS) March 24, 2023
“Kim Mulkey looks like she’s about to have a bullfight at a baby shower,” Gal Pal Sports tweeted.
Kim Mulkey looks like she’s about to have a bullfight at a baby shower
— Gal Pal Sports (@GalPalSports) March 24, 2023