We’ve seen dogs with funky colors before, like this Auburn superdog who gets his fur dyed to look like a tiger every few weeks. We don’t usually see oddly colored dog fur as a natural occurrence, but one puppy in Scotland came right out of the womb with mint green fur this week.
Naturally, when owner Louise Sutherland first saw the green puppy, she was stunned.
“It was all hands on deck but then as the puppies started to arrive, we noticed that one of the puppies had green fur. We couldn’t believe it.
The name, Forest, seems like a fitting name for the pup.
The dog won’t be green for long, though. There have been a few documented cases of green puppies. According to a 2014 TIME article, veterinarians have found the cause is exposure to biliverdin, a green bile `pigment in the placenta. Within a few weeks, the green color should fade and Forest join his eight brothers and sisters as a normal-looking, adorable, Golden puppy.