The Milwaukee Police Department would like the public’s help “regarding reckless behavior.” That reckless behavior is a man doing push-ups on top of a moving car.

This past weekend, a man climbed out of the front passenger window of a moving vehicle, and climbed onto its roof to do push-ups.

Here’s video evidence of the highly unique workout:

Many people are missing the gym — and being outside in general — during the COVID-19 pandemic, but this probably isn’t the smartest alternative way to get a workout in.

About Matt Clapp

Matt is an editor at The Comeback. He attended Colorado State University, wishes he was Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris, and idolizes Larry David. And loves pizza and dogs because obviously.

He can be followed on Twitter at @Matt2Clapp (also @TheBlogfines for Cubs/MLB tweets and @DaBearNecess for Bears/NFL tweets), and can be reached by email at