Carlos Beltran has gone full Carlos Boozer. You never go full Carlos Boozer, at least when it comes to hair (or lack thereof).
The Texas Rangers outfielder was sitting on the bench during Sunday’s matchup against the Cleveland Indians where he unveiled his latest haircut. His new do’ was reminiscent of the monstrosity Boozer wore on his head in 2012, as Beltran’s balding scalp was lined with what appears to be a Sharpie. It’s an interesting style.
In case you are blind and convinced the painted on hair is natural, you can see from this 2014 picture, Beltran’s hair parted ways with him long ago.
To exercise all you need to have is desire to live long like my friend Alberto at 83 doing work at the track🙏
— Carlos Beltran (@carlosbeltran15) February 10, 2014
The new haircut should be called the ‘athlete’s mid-life crisis special.’ I can’t imagine how desperate you’d need to be to consider the look. Beltran makes good money, so why not just get hair implants? It worked for LeBron. Instead, the Rangers slugger opted to get the outline of his head spraypainted and was somehow convinced to show his new style in public. Who knows, maybe Beltran was watching The Office last night and thought this was a good idea.
Boozer’s hair was much darker after its application. I’m inclined to believe Beltran had his ‘hair’ painted on in between innings and whipped it out as a joke. Otherwise, there’s no explanation. It’s unfathomable Beltran would aspire to look like that intentionally. Hopefully, he’s just pulling a prank on us.