Google has a new app, Google Duo, designed in the same mold as Apple’s FaceTime, allowing face-to-face video chat on your phone.
As a part of the ad campaign, Google enlisted the services of Los Angeles Clippers Blake Griffin and DeAndre Jordan. And a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard. It’s a bit weird.
The setup is pretty simple. Jordan and a bottle of mustard catch Griffin in a lie while dining out. Rather than have a face-to-face confrontation in the restaurant, the two basketball players let their condiments do the talking over the phone. Because how else would you handle such a strenuous situation? As you’ll see, it all ends well, at least for the Clippers.
I feel like this ad could have gone a different way since it starred bottles of ketchup and mustard. Why not throw in a debate about whether or not you should put ketchup on a hot dog? That would be a more heated confrontation than this turned out to be, wouldn’t it? In any case, Griffin continues to be a solid actor, voice and otherwise. And Jordan was good too!
Meanwhile, the Clippers are 10-2.