The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon hosted two incredibly esteemed, widely beloved and occasionally controversial sports-related guests Monday night: Kobe Bryant and Max Bonnstetter.
If you’re not aware, Max is a 13-year-old reporter from SI Kids who became somewhat of a sensation last month for asking questions at NCAA Tournament press conferences. South Carolina coach Frank Martin praised him for asking about the key to good defense, while some grumpy sportswriters whined that the youngster was distracting from the true professionals or something.
Anyway, Max got to appear on Fallon on Tuesday, next to one of the best basketball players in world history. Max—in a suit and a bowtie—was adorable, his questions were adorable, and the whole thing was adorable. Kobe even sang some Disney songs.
Max really hit Kobe hard with those follow-up questions. That’ll be the last time Kobe forgets Devin Booker when listing the best perimeter players in the NBA.
This isn’t Bonnstetter’s first shine on national TV. He also appeared on a CBS Sports pregame show during the Sweet 16, days after his star-making performance at the Frank Martin press conference.
At this rate, the next time Bonnstetter is on Fallon, he might be the host.