Many are people are wondering who will actually buy Lonzo Ball’s new $495 signature shoes. We now know Warriors coach Mike Brown will not be making a purchase.

Prior to Game 2 between the Warriors and the Jazz, a reporter asked the following question to Brown:

“Would you buy your kids a pair of shoes for $500 from an unproven NBA player after college?”

Brown’s response (after laughing hard for several seconds)?

“Uhhhhh, no.”

As Brown was leaving, another reporter asked him about the Big Baller Brand’s $200 flip flops. Brown, like every other sane person, isn’t into those either.

In case you missed it, the ZO2’s don’t even look particularly good.

But the logo on the back caught the eyes of Ohio State football coach Zach Smith, who claimed the Big Baller Brand ripped off his personal logo.

Here’s a side-by-side with Smith’s logo on the left and the Big Baller Brand’s Lonzo Ball logo on the right.

There are definitely some strong similarities there. Robbery? I’m not quite sure about that. But given all the flak the ZO2’s have received, this won’t help.

About Jesse Kramer

Jesse is a writer and editor for The Comeback. He has also worked for and runs The Catch and Shoot, a college basketball website based in Chicago. He is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Follow Jesse on Twitter @Jesse_Kramer.