The entire mess unfolding at Baylor has been nothing short of embarrassing for the university, but there are still some loyal Baylor fans who felt it necessary to share their support and thanks to ousted president Ken Starr.
The Sunday edition of the Austin America-Statesman included a full-page ad of Baylor supporters thanking Starr for all he did for the university.
@ErinHogan did this really just happen it the paper this am?
— Mark Reagan (@fatreagan) June 5, 2016
The ad thanks Starr for his “exceptional care for students and their well-being,” and his “integrity, leadership, character and humble nature.” This thanks for a president who was removed from his position (he later resigned from his reassigned position) as the university and athletics department was rocked by a startling revelation of Title IX violations and a disturbing culture being fostered within the football program being connected to multiple incidents of sexual abuse and violence under his watch. This for a man who conducted a handful of interviews that could only be described as PR nightmares that did nothing to improve the image of the disgraced program and university.
The ad also features a website address where others can share their thanks for Starr;
It is worth noting the ad was paid for and signed off on by just a small handful of Baylor alums and supporters (14 in total), so it would not be fair to slam this advertisement against the majority of Baylor fans and supporters. As with any program or team, there is likely a very vocal minority when it comes to defending those arguably not worth supporting with such an act. So we should refrain from using this single ad as a criticism of the entire Baylor fan base. What we should really question is just how close these 14 supporters are to Baylor.
The guy behind the "Keep Ken Starr" and "Thank You Ken Starr" campaigns is a Republican strategist:
— Timothy Burke (@bubbaprog) June 5, 2016
Ahh. Politics. Of course.