Many different football teams have held “seminars” in order to better introduce the game to female fans.

Almost all of them are patronizing and sexist, and don’t take into account how many women care and love the sport without needing these “chalk talks”. But apparently they’re still pretty popular. Texas A&M just held one and… it went about as well as you’d think it would.

The school reworked the lyrics to its fight song, “The Aggie War Hymn”, and it didn’t go well. Via the Houston Chronicle, here are some of those lyrics. Have a barf bag nearby, just in case.

We are Aggie women
We are filled with estrogen
Hullabaloo, canek, canek, and back again

 Maroon & white are the colors we love
We are putting down our dish towels
And taking off our gloves

No more lysol or cascade
We want to score Touchdowns
And walk in the parade

We are Aggie women & this is our song
Come on…bring it on…no more thong

Even though a woman just became a major party’s presidential candidate for the first time, Texas A&M still think it’s the 1950s. Apparently, all women do is clean the house, according to this song. Naturally, women (and sensible men) were not pleased:

On a popular A&M message board, the responses ranged from the correct “damaging to our brand” and “absolute embarrassment” to “it’s all in good fun. This country is too politically correct.”

No, it was very sexist and embarrassing to Texas A&M. Sadly for the Aggies, the Internet never forgets.

[Sporting News/Houston Chronicle]

About Matt Lichtenstadter

Recent Maryland graduate. I've written for many sites including World Soccer Talk,, Testudo Times, Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog and more. Houndstooth is still cool, at least to me. Follow me @MattsMusings1 on Twitter, e-mail me about life and potential jobs at matthewaaron9 at Yahoo dot com.