Post-game celebrations in Philly included this fan climbing a pole.

The Philadelphia Eagles’ 38-7 win over the Minnesota Vikings in Sunday’s NFC championship game sparked a whole lot of interesting behavior afterwards. Aside from the guy who ran into a pole while chasing a subway train, there was plenty of other weirdness. For starters, there was the pole-climbing. Some fans climbed light poles after last week’s divisional round win over the Atlanta Falcons, so the city decided to grease up a number of poles in advance to try and prevent that. Did that stop fans? No. No, it did not.

As Dan McQuade, who posted that last tweet, noted earlier Sunday, grease really shouldn’t be expected to stop fans:

And greased-pole climbing competitions are present in plenty of other places too, so it probably should have been expected that this wouldn’t stop everybody. It may have slowed down some, though. Surprisingly enough, this may not have even been the weirdest thing to happen in the post-game celebrations Sunday night. How about this video, featuring both someone riding on top of a SUV and a shirtless man wearing one of the increasingly-popular dog masks:

Beyond that, there were plenty of street parties:

And even Charles Barkley, previously featured on TV during the game, told a reporter afterwards “I’m tired of you now. I’m going to go finish getting drunk.”

Godspeed, Chuck.

[Crossing Broad]

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About Andrew Bucholtz

Andrew Bucholtz has been covering sports media for Awful Announcing since 2012. He is also a staff writer for The Comeback. His previous work includes time at Yahoo! Sports Canada and Black Press.