For some reason, a Florida couple decided to make a Packers-Cowboys bet that involved burning the losing team’s jersey. The Packers won the wild game on Sunday, and — according to the bet — this meant the 27-year-old husband would have to burn his Cowboys jersey.
Not only did this man burn his Cowboys jersey, but he then decided to try to wear the jersey as it was on fire.
According to the Sebastian Daily, the man — who was drunk, obviously — was rushed to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with “third-degree burns on his right arm and right hand and second-degree burns to his back.”
At the hospital, deputies spoke with a couple who admitted they were watching the NFL game and agreed to burn the losing team’s jersey. However, the man decided to wear the jersey as it was burning.
A witness told Sebastian Daily, “He was set on fire after losing a bet on the Cowboys game … Skin was hanging off his arm and back.”
The man suffered third-degree burns on his right arm and right hand and second-degree burns to his back.
When the woman’s team won, her husband went outside to light his jersey on fire. He told deputies that he was drunk and tried to put the jersey on while it was burning.
So many lessons to be learned from this. The most obvious of which are to not make bets that involve fire, and don’t actually go through with a bet that involves fire if you lose the bet. I’m sure your friend or significant other would be just fine with you tossing them a wad of cash instead, if that’s what it takes.
And I shouldn’t have to say this, but if you do actually go through with setting something on fire, DON’T THEN TRY TO WEAR THE GODDAMN THING. It’s fire for cryin’ out loud.