The hour-long season four winter finale of Brooklyn Nine-Nine aired last night on Fox, and the show’s already-stellar cast got a boost from former Seattle Seahawks running back Marshawn Lynch.

The “Beast Mode” cameo featured a scene that hit on his tendency to not speak with the media directly, as well as a scene involving quesadillas:

Very funny stuff, and it’s not surprising to see Lynch on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, as the show’s co-creator Michael Schur has now written for a few shows that have featured some pretty impressive athlete cameos.

The Office: Jerome Bettis, Julius ‘Dr. J.’ Erving, and Ryan Howard.

Parks and Rec: Detlef Schrempf, Roy Hibbert, Andrew Luck, Chris Bosh, Robert Mathis, John Cena, Reggie Wayne, Adam Vinatieri, Anthony Castonzo, and Miles Plumlee.

It also helps that the show airs on Fox. Even though Lynch no longer plays in the NFL, the league does have a strong relationship with Fox.

The League, which used to air on the Fox owned FXX, also featured a couple appearances from Lynch:

[Andrew Bucholtz on Clippit]

About David Lauterbach

David is a writer for The Comeback. He enjoyed two Men's Basketball Final Four trips for Syracuse before graduating in 2016. If The Office or Game of Thrones is on TV, David will be watching.