Taylor Swift Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports

Some recent photos suggest that Taylor Swift – the girlfriend of Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce – may have undergone significant plastic surgery on her face over the past few years, and people are starting to take notice.

A Reddit user recently shared two photos of Taylor Swift taken about a year apart. The side-by-side comparison reveals a striking transformation in the shape of her face, sparking speculation that she may have had cosmetic procedures sometime during the past year.

In the newer image, the singer’s face appears noticeably more elongated compared to the older photo. Her chin seems more pronounced, her lips fuller, and her cheeks more hollow — all characteristics often associated with cosmetic enhancements.

The extent of her facial transformation within a single year has taken many by surprise.

Unsurprisingly, the rather shocking photos quickly went viral, generating a wave of reactions from fans in the Reddit thread.

“She was a pretty girl. Why she felt the need to go plastic, I’ll never know,” one user commented.

“I always thought she was so naturally pretty and probably around 2014 she started getting significant plastic surgery which over time has altered her appearance for the worst. I’m sure there’s a lot of pressure but at the same time, she doesn’t have to bow to it. I feel like it’s more her stage dad pressuring her to have all these surgeries,” another fan speculated.

“The lip filler is really obvious here,” another person noted.

“Off the bat, I can see: lip fillers, jaw fillers, cheek fillers, face lift, botox, nose reduction/rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty, possible chin lipo or buccal fat removal… and that’s just from looking at these two comparisons,” someone else detailed.

“That’s the same person?” a shocked commenter asked.

“There’s no way that’s the same person, right? Right???” another user questioned.

While Taylor herself has never publicly acknowledged undergoing any cosmetic procedures, the photos have led many to believe she may have had work done.