Tim Tebow is squashing rumors he will be appearing at the upcoming Republican National Convention in support of Donald Trump.

A Report surfaced on Thursday that Tebow would join UFC President Dana White and Golfer Natalie Gulbis among those from the sports world who would speak on behalf of Trump. The New York Times obtained Trump’s convention speaker list, which had Tebow set to appear on the fourth night of the convention.  Tebow, who just arrived back from visiting the orphanage his dad founded in the Philippines, took to Instagram to deny taking part in the convention.

A video posted by Tim Tebow (@timtebow) on Jul 14, 2016 at 5:42pm PDT


“I wake up this morning to find out I’m speaking at the Republican National Convention. It’s amazing how fast rumors fly and that’s exactly what it is, a rumor. My goal has always been to make a difference in the biggest way possible and one day if that’s a political realm, than that’s what I’ll do, but right now I really believe that’s through our foundation and amazing partners and fighting for kids who can’t fight for themselves. But, I love our country and I’ll do anything for America and one of the things I love most is that it’s one nation under God. You know what that means? It means you matter and God has a plan for your life and that every single person is significant. We all matter. So let’s come together on that. Let’s unite on that. Let’s forget about our quarrels and our differences and lets come together on one nation under God, that you matter, that he loves you and has a plan for your life. God bless you and God bless America. 

The question is, did Trump’s team book Tebow without asking? The Republican Party announced he would be speaking at the convention. Did he book him on a hunch? Either way, without Tebow and Trump’s buddy Tom Brady, quarterbacks won’t be by the boisterous politician’s side.

Tebow also floated the idea of a potential political career in the future, which would please Republican’s greatly, as they’ve been chasing him for a Congress run.

It remains to be seen if Tebow endorses Trump as he preaches that everybody is significant in his post. Trump’s beliefs don’t exactly follow the same mindset. Who will replace Tebow at the convention? Is Johnny Damon available?

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About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com