A day on the slopes at the Breckenridge Ski Resort turned into a close encounter with wildlife for some skiers and snowboarders, and probably a closer one than they’d hoped for. As per UPI’s Ben Hooper, Lauren “Lo” Drogsvold and her husband were headed down a run Saturday when they saw a crowd of onlookers watching a bull moose. Drogsvold, a local photographer, took video of the scene and shouted for people to get clear as the animal started to charge. Here’s the video Drogsvold posted to Instagram:
Drogsvold told Eli Pace of the Summit Daily News (a paper based in nearby Frisco) that she dove off the trail and hid behind a tree, and that no one appeared to be hurt. She said she shared the video and her story to try and educate people about the dangers of getting too close to moose:
She said that no one appeared to suffer any injuries when the moose charged the crowd, but she knows that some of those people in the pack did not react to seeing a moose the right way.
“We’re familiar with the dangers of moose, and I feel like, as a local, it’s our responsibility to try to educate people about moose and keep them safe if we can,” she said, explaining that was her reason for editing the short video clips she got, posting them on social media and then agreeing to talk to the newspaper.
“If you see a moose, you don’t walk up to it, you don’t approach it,” she said. “You get the hell away from there and leave them alone.”
…”It could have been really bad,” Drogsvold said of Saturday’s encounter at Breckenridge Ski Resort. “I feel like we all got super lucky.”
It’s good to hear that no one appeared to be hurt here, but that’s definitely a risky situation. Moose can do a lot of damage, and perhaps Drogsvold’s video will help people realize how dangerous they can be.