Cards Against Humanity is building a Holiday hole and god damn it’s fascinating.
The popular NSFW card game company is no stranger to incredible, weird marketing campaigns. Before, Cards Against Humanity launched a “12 Days of Holliday Bullshit” promotion where individuals paid $1 a day to receive bizarre expansion packs and low-budget comedy videos. On Black Friday in 2012, the company increased the price of the game by $5 and saw an uptick in sales. Last year, they sold nothing for $5 and raised more than $71,000 to give to their staff that ranged from the extravagant to donating to various charities.
So what’s the big plan this year? Well, they’re digging a hole.
For no particular reason, Cards Against Humanity is digging until they can dig no more. The motto is literally “As long as money keeps coming in, we’ll keep digging.”
Here’s a primer from their website on why they’re digging a hole.
What’s happening here?
Cards Against Humanity is digging a holiday hole.
Is this real?
Unfortunately it is.
Where is the hole?
America. And in our hearts.
Is there some sort of deeper meaning or purpose to the hole?
How deep can you make this sucker?
Great question. As long as you keep spending, we’ll keep digging. We’ll find out together how deep this thing goes.
What if you dig so deep you hit hot magma?
At least then we’d feel something.
It’s hard to knock Cards Against Humanity for digging the hole. Who doesn’t like to dig? The stunt has raked in more than $80,000 as of this post, most of which, based on previous years, may or may not go to charity. The odd, yet warming philanthropic attitude of the company is admirable. Hopefully, they dig all the way to China (that’s how it works right?).