In what is a gaffe that will go down as an all-timer, Faye Dunaway and Warren Beatty mistakenly read La La Land as the Oscar winner for Best Picture at Sunday night’s Academy Awards.

After the cast and crew for La La Land went up to accept the award, it was announced that the actual Best Picture winner was Moonlight. Whoops!

It was a blunder of epic proportions, and that of course meant that Twitter would take full advantage of the opportunity to mock it. Here are some examples:

1 thought on “Here’s how Twitter reacted to the Oscars’ unbelievable Best Picture gaffe

  1. Good work. This was a choke job by Beatty. If he had the wrong card–say so before announcing it.

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About Matt Clapp

Matt is an editor at The Comeback. He attended Colorado State University, wishes he was Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris, and idolizes Larry David. And loves pizza and dogs because obviously.

He can be followed on Twitter at @Matt2Clapp (also @TheBlogfines for Cubs/MLB tweets and @DaBearNecess for Bears/NFL tweets), and can be reached by email at