UPDATE: Gizmodo reports that this story was greatly embellished by several news sources and that there’s in fact no evidence this man was crushed by his porn collection. We apologize for passing it along.
One Japanese man’s porn collection grew so large, it reportedly led to his untimely death.
According to the U.K. Mirror, the man was killed when SIX TONS of his personal porn magazine collection fell on top of him. That’s 12,000 freakin’ pounds of porn. It’s safe to assume his main hobby in life involved a lot of self-love.
The 50-year-old man, identified as a former car-maker named Joji, was found six months after the incident reportedly occurred. It’s unclear if Joji had a heart attack or simply died under the weight of his nudie mags. Regardless, at least he went out on his own terms, covered in hundreds, likely thousands of porn magazines.
Not to make light of this man’s death, but did he not have an internet connection?
Personally, I’ve always found it weird that people will collect something like porn magazines, that you don’t want other people to see, despite widely being available on the internet. Perhaps, he really, really enjoyed the articles.
Plus, Do people still buy porn magazines in this day and age? Again, people like Joji must have really enjoyed the articles.
Good luck to the apartment cleaners and forensic labs that have to go through Joji’s apartment. For the love of God, bring an ultraviolet light. I’d imagine the apartment might be dirtier than it seems. *shivers*
[Toronto Sun; U.K. Mirror; Photo via this weird Motorcycle forum thread]