It’s like when the old band gets back together, except these guys aren’t washed up.

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert will be temporarily reuniting for the Republican National Convention, according to Vulture. Stewart will be on Colbert’s CBS Late Show to help with its coverage of the RNC next Monday. The details of what Stewart’s involvement will be have yet to be reported.

Vulture’s Josef Adalian weighed out some options as to what we might see on Monday:

Exactly what he’ll be doing Monday remains a mystery, at least to prying reporters. (A CBS rep declined comment.) Colbert is anchoring Late Show from New York, so it doesn’t seem a stretch to imagine — or maybe the word is “pray” — Stewart will be on location in Cleveland as a correspondent at the RNC. (If so, he’ll almost certainly be spotted by one of the thousands of journalists in town to cover the expected coronation of Donald Trump.) It’s also possible Stewart’s visit Monday could be nothing more than a quick cameo, as he’s done before for both Late Show (on which he serves as an executive producer) and fellow Daily Show colleague Samantha Bee’s Full Frontal.

It does seem that a simple cameo is a possibility, but it would truly be a joy if Stewart was able to make his way to Cleveland on Monday for the event. Stewart and Colbert have been killing it for years, and this could totally be Stewart’s “45 Jordan” moment.

Here’s to hoping we get a full serving of Stewart and Colbert.


About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.