Matt Damon recently went back to the well for another Jason Bourne movie and while it might still be successful, it’s starting to feel a little predictable. You know what’s not predictable? The plot for Damon’s upcoming movie The Great Wall.
The film, a Hollywood and Chinese film studio co-production, features Damon (somehow) as one of the warriors defending the Great Wall of China from invading dragons during the Northern Song Dynasty (roughly 900-1,000 years ago).
Has your head exploded yet? Well here’s the first trailer cause that should seal the deal.
So many questions. How is Matt Damon there? He’s not supposed to be Chinese, is he? Why is Oberyn Martell there too? What does Matt Damon mean about being “born into battle?” Did Matt Damon just freejump off the Great Wall into mist? Can he fly? Where did everyone get that kick-ass armor from and why don’t we still do that?
Here’s the good news. The film is directed by Zhang Yimou (Hero, House of Flying Daggers), an absolute master of visual storytelling and gorgeous cinematography. You already get hints of it but you better believe that, if nothing else, this movie is going to look beautiful. The film also comes with a good studio pedigree as it’s a co-production involving Legendary Pictures (The Dark Knight Trilogy) and Le Vision Pictures, China’s sixth-biggest distributor.
While crossover between Hollywood and Asian film talent has been growing in recent years, this might be the first blockbuster based in China starring a certified Hollywood star that could have crossover appeal in America. And if that’s the case, who knows what doors that opens.
Screenwriters, start thinking about how you can re-appropriate the origins of other man-made marvels. The Great Pyramids are actually laser bunkers for an eventual alien battle. The Colossus of Rhodes was built to come to life and fight giants. Stonehenge is a portal critical to the battle between good and evil. Sky’s the limit!