Wheel of Fortune contestant Kevin was set up nicely to guess a hidden phrase on Tuesday night’s edition of the game show:
A Streetcar Na_ed Desire
Seems easy enough, right? Well, Kevin did not guess an “m”:
Dude on Wheel of Fortune had to solve this:
He asked for a K.
I’m gonna go lie down.
— David Aldridge (@davidaldridgedc) March 21, 2017
A Streetcar Naked Desire?! Come on, Kevin! Maybe on a Cinemax game show, not on ABC. The collective groan from the crowd said it all.
The answer is based on a 1947 Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Tennessee Williams, titled (obviously, except to Kevin) A Streetcar Named Desire.
And Pat Sajak quipped that while contestant Lisa got the answer right, he’d “rather see Kevin’s play”:
Fair enough.