KFC has had a handful of different actors play the role of Colonel Sanders in ads in recent memory. We’ve seen Darrell Hammond, Norm MacDonald, Jim Gaffigan, and George Hamilton all play the white-haired Colonel, and Rob Riggle is the latest in that line.

Riggle’s version of Sanders is one that is obsessed with football, just in time for football season. He owns a professional football team called the Kentucky Buckets (which he claims is totally not for marketing), helps injured players by giving them meals, give inspirational speeches, and introduces a mascot.


Riggle’s Colonel Sanders is a real Jerry Jones type of team owner. He’s driving an “injury cart” out to help players, and even giving medical advice.


He’s inspirational too. Like something straight out of a movie, he’s giving speeches to his team, but of course, selling chicken as well. Because his team totally isn’t a marketing scheme.


And of course, a team isn’t complete without a mascot. And some are more coordinated than others.


Hopefully these don’t get old too fast, but that’s not too reasonable to ask about a market-specific campaign. Riggle does seem to play the role of the Colonel well though, so perhaps that’s a plus.

About Harry Lyles Jr.

Harry Lyles Jr. is an Atlanta-based writer, and a Georgia State University graduate.