Stay classy, San Diego.

When you lose your football team, you start to do crazy things. In an online fan vote to name a potential MLS expansion team in San Diego, Footy McFooty Face is killing its competition.

As of Tuesday night, Footy McFooty Face had racked up about more than 55 percent of the vote, well ahead of San Diego Surf (16 percent) and San Diego Bad Hombres (12 percent). For the record, Bad Hombres would be an almost equally ridiculous name. And Surf, while not ridiculous, is pretty lame.

Footy McFooty Face Poll

Last year, a popular vote chose to name a $300 million British research ship “Boaty McBoatface,” but the U.K. nixed that idea.

Clearly, these San Diego soccer fans used that as inspiration, as have many others. The Boaty McBoatface movement already led to a racehorse named “Horsey McHorseface.”

I wish San Diegans (San Diegoites? San Diegoans?) would be a little more original. But if this somehow leads to a MLS team that’s actually named Footy McFooty Face, I’m all in.

At the same time, MLS and San Diego’s ownership will probably discard the vote in the end. Missed opportunity for San Diego to come up with a fun, original name for its new team.

Mission San Diego FC actually sounds kind of cool. And at least this poll didn’t mention Harambe.


About Jesse Kramer

Jesse is a writer and editor for The Comeback. He has also worked for and runs The Catch and Shoot, a college basketball website based in Chicago. He is a graduate of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University. Follow Jesse on Twitter @Jesse_Kramer.