Source: Dennis Van Tine/AP Images

Get ready for the latest twist of this FIFA corruption trial. Kevin Jonas of the Jonas Brothers was named as a witness for the prosecution and testified about the validity of a Paul McCartney concert that took place in Argentina.

Jonas isn’t in any trouble or anything, he also doesn’t even know the defendants in question. Jonas was there to prove to the prosecution that he was at a Paul McCartney concert in River Plate Stadium in Argentina, two days before the Jonas Brothers were set to perform.

According to Buzzfeed’s Ken Bensinger, defendant Juan Angel Napout refused to state the McCartney concert took place and Jonas’ testimony would help the prosecution with whatever evidence they have on Napout that came from that concert.

Deliberations are supposed to be wrapping up rather soon so we may not get another twist to this trial. But looking back when the initial arrests took place, nobody would ever expect that it could take a Jonas Brother to testify to put some FIFA officials behind bars.

[@kenbensinger/Photo: Dennis Van Tine/AP Images]

About Phillip Bupp

Producer/editor of the Awful Announcing Podcast and Short and to the Point. News editor for The Comeback and Awful Announcing. Highlight consultant for Major League Soccer as well as a freelance writer for hire. Opinions are my own but feel free to agree with them.

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