MLB pitcher reveals major concern with alcohol sales
"Now you're putting our fans and our family at risk driving home."
"Now you're putting our fans and our family at risk driving home."
An LSU student was arrested on Sunday morning after stealing $1,500 worth of beer from Tiger Stadium.
"He wiped everybody out. And I was like, ‘Damn. A quarterback just out-drank the offensive line.'”
Unsurprisingly, this led to some jokes.
While the photo isn't actually from Wednesday, it sure gave NBA fan a lot to discuss.
Somebody get that guy a bottle of water.
"Whatever's cold."
"I want to reach out and express my deepest apology for my foolish actions on the bus this past Saturday."
"We acknowledge that we did not consider the commonplace use of the term huruhuru as a reference to pubic hair, and that consultation with a Maori representative would have been a better reference than online dictionaries."