Fan sucker punches disabled high school umpire
"As his back is turned … one of the (players') fathers … just knocks him out right there on the ground."
"As his back is turned … one of the (players') fathers … just knocks him out right there on the ground."
"We are traumatizing an entire generation of kids."
"I feel like a kid should get something for finishing a full season with a team."
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office sergeant Michael Russell is facing a felony charge of battery of a sports official.
"Excuse me? What? What did they do to get disqualified? Did they not pay their dues?"
"This kid could go play juco ball tomorrow."
"Say goodbye to pure basketball and hello to slithery tactics"
A youth referee was banned because she is a homosexual.
Pop Warner is investigating the "disgusting" incident.
"Very disrespectful, in a good way."