If you have not noticed by now, everybody seems to be getting in on the Pokemon Go fun these days. People are quitting their jobs to play full-time, WWE superstars are becoming master trainers, and Johnny Manziel was seen catching Pokemon at an ESPYs party.

Now, even the Phillie Phanatic is on the lookout for that elusive Pikachu, and on Tuesday night in Philadelphia the Phanatic took his search to the field.

As a quick refresher for those who have been living under a rock the last couple of weeks, Pokemon Go is a GPS-enabled app in which you walk around your real-life surroundings searching for Pokemon that randomly pop up on your screen. The app has rocketed up the charts at a rapid pace and helped Nintendo’s stocks show promise the company has not seen in a long time. Sports teams have been encouraging fans to use the app at their facilities recently, like Nebraska opening the doors to their football stadium for fans to search through Memorial Stadium.

The Phanatic has a steady routine of in-game acts to put on for the fans, but every now and then will mix in something a little more modern and topical, as his Pokemon Go act Tuesday night between innings of a game between the Philadelphia Phillies and Miami Marlins demonstrated.

Of course, the Phanatic also demonstrated the negative of being so engrossed in the Pokemon Go fun when he showed what can happen when you fail to look up from your screen while walking around. Always remember to look up from your screen while searching for that rare Pokemon!


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to NBCSports.com. Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.