Let’s face it: Just about every single ballpark proposal is cliché and stupid.

However, one proposal at Yankee Stadium on Tuesday had some actual intrigue to it. During the fifth inning of the game between the Boston Red Sox and New York Yankees, one guy finally had his moment on the big screen to propose to his girlfriend. There was just one problem: The ring went missing.

As you can see in the video, everyone around this couple goes into a blind panic when they realize the guy can’t find a ring. One girl even starts digging in her popcorn bucket (how in the world what it have ended up in there? Props for looking everywhere, I guess?)

Thankfully for the guy, the ring was found soon after the miscue. It did take some of the surprise out of the event, however. She still seemed happy and said yes. So I guess it all worked out.

For the guy there was an added bonus to the whole thing. He not only proposed to his girlfriend on the big screen at Yankee Stadium, the proposal transpired on the Yankee broadcast.

Good luck to the couple. And just be glad you aren’t like this couple in this awesome ESPN commercial.


About Ryan Williamson

Ryan is a recent graduate of the University of Missouri and has recently returned to his Minnesota roots. He previously has worked for the Columbia Missourian, KFAN radio in Minneapolis and BringMeTheNews.com. Feel free to email me at rwilliamson29 AT Gmail dot com.