The idea of sharks flying around in tornadoes and causing havoc is a great idea for a low-budget, cult hit series of made-for-TV movies. But once real sharks start actually washing up on the shore as a result of a twister at sea, it’s a completely different story.

In Australia, a tropical cyclone hurled a bull shark out of the sea and onto the coast, leaving it to lay stranded in a puddle. The shark may not have done much damage, but it met an unfortunate fate in the real-life sharknado. Calling in Ian Ziering wasn’t necessary.

Making a joke about a dead shark may not seem funny, but did you mourn all the aquatic predators dispatched by Ziering and Tara Reid? OK, never mind — those sharks weren’t real, as if the animatronics and bad CGI didn’t already give that away.

Emergency officials have been warning those in the area to stay clear of going in the water out of fear there may be some more sharks in the area that got moved by the recent cyclone, dubbed Cyclone Debbie. That doesn’t quite have the same ring as “Sharknado,” but will probably be taken more seriously, even if Matt Lauer and Al Roker aren’t reporting on the phenomenon.

Sharks flying out of the water due to crazy weather is a whole lot funnier when it is on TV with a D-list cast, horrible acting and corny jokes every other scene.

By the way, Sharknado 5 is happening. This is hardly the first thing that has come to reality since the Sharknado craze ignited. We already have two-headed sharks.


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.