Weird Al cover

Get ready to bust out your accordion, “Weird Al” fans, because the box set you have waited years for is finally coming. Sony is set to release Squeeze Box: The Complete Recordings of “Weird Al” Yankovic later this year in the fall, and you can preorder it right now!

The box set will include remastered editions of Yankovic’s 14 studio albums from 1983 through 2014, and the set will be available on CD or vinyl, which means a handful of Yankovic’s parody albums will be on vinyl for the very first time. A bonus disc of non-album tracks will also be included in the collection, which I personally hope will include this gem from last October…

Yankovic is largely known for his spot-on parodies of some classic songs from the 1980s, including some of Michael Jackson’s and Madonna’s greatest hits. No artist has been safe, as Nirvana, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Coolio are among the many artists tha have had their songs used as the basis of a parody masterpiece.

He proved capable of staying on top of the music edge by tackling hit songs from the 1990s and early part of the 21st century using his signature lyrical mind to cause some people, like me, to always hear Weird Al’s songs any time the original comes on. The number one song where this happens to me?

So if you are still someone who goes out and buys CDs to add to your collection and have yet to make the switch to an all-digital library, and your first CD ever owned was “Weird Al” Yankovic Greatest Hits Volume II (don’t laugh, this is a true story), then this may just what you need to complete your collection.

[AV Club]

About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.