Another season, another sports fan has permanently etched a championship banner on their body.
A Chicago Cubs fan won a radio contest from 1460 KXnO by proving his Cubs fandom by getting a World Series Championship tattoo before the playoffs have even started. To be fair, the ink was free, courtesy of the station, but common, man. These things never work out.
In a video, the fan discussed how Chicago was the best team in baseball (true) and “will win” the World Series. It’s great to see a Cubs fan enthusiastic after many years of misfortune, but the arrogance may prove costly. The tattoo will look ridiculous if Chicago doesn’t break their 108-year curse, which despite being likelier than it’s ever been, is no guarantee.
Here’s the design in its glory.
Ultimately, the Chicago fan’s intentions are in the right place, but the decision will surely haunt him. If the Cubs don’t win it all, he’s left with a painful reminder of his falsely placed hope. The misplaced optimism isn’t on the level of NBA guard Jason Terry, although, now, I’m sort of rooting for Chicago to get bounced early from the playoffs just to see this guy live with the regret from the dumb decision.