Donald Trump

President Donald Trump spoke at a rally for Sen. Luther Strange on Friday night in Huntsville, Alabama, with Strange set to face Roy Moore in a Republican primary on Tuesday.

One of the topics that came up in Trump’s speech was NFL players protesting during the national anthem.

Trump said, “Wouldn’t you like to see one of these owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, ‘Get that son of a bitch off the field right now, out, he’s fired. He’s fired!'”

Trump then went on to blame the protests, the attention on himself, and too many penalties called on hard hits for the NFL television ratings being down:

The President said that those in attendance at NFL games should “leave the stadium” and that he guarantees “things will stop (after people leave the stadium).”

Here’s a full transcript of Trump’s comments:


16 thoughts on “Trump calls for “son of a bitch” protesting NFLers to be fired, says hit rules “ruining” game & TV ratings

        1. Being a puppet president doesn’t mean he can’t also be an idiot, a pathological liar, or a generally terrible person.

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    1. J Dubs: Do you also think Muhammad Ali was an idiot for refusing to serve in the Vietnam War, and that John Carlos and Tommie Smith were idiots for raising their fists at the 1968 Olympics?

      1. I think Muhammad Ali was a racist and a bully who mocked the look of Smokin Joe Frazier. He also wanted to ban interracial marriage. Do some research before you just regurgitate what ESPN wants you to believe about Muhammad Ali.

      2. I don’t think John Carlos/Tommie Smith are idiots, but I also don’t think they are heroes. To a middle class white kid like you, I’m sure you spent your teenage years staring at your Tommie Smith/John Carlos poster while listening to Rage Against the Machine.

      3. What do you know–a person who makes gross generalizations with only the barest amount of information. What a surprise that he’s a bigot.

  1. What a fascist this guy is. What exactly is the value in forcing people to “display” their patriotism?

  2. Well since 45 disrespects not only the flag, but the country and all the citizens I would like to FIRE his lying ass

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About Matt Clapp

Matt is an editor at The Comeback. He attended Colorado State University, wishes he was Saved by the Bell's Zack Morris, and idolizes Larry David. And loves pizza and dogs because obviously.

He can be followed on Twitter at @Matt2Clapp (also @TheBlogfines for Cubs/MLB tweets and @DaBearNecess for Bears/NFL tweets), and can be reached by email at