For months we have been exploring the many concerns facing the Rio Olympics, from crime to health concerns, to the state of the facilities themselves. Well, time has run out in Rio, and the world’s top athletes are arriving on the scene to see for themselves just how bad things really are. The Olympians from Jamaica shared a video of their unfinished quarters in the Olympic village, and now we see why a number of athletes are staying elsewhere.

A video tour by Novlene Williams Mills of the rooms that Olympians from Jamaica will be staying show us an unfinished bathroom with construction supplies all over, the plastic wrap still on the flooring, and nothing but a few bean bag chairs and cheap beds. In the hallway, more construction supplies.

Words are one thing, but seeing the video really tells the story the best way possible:

We can only imagine at least some of the rooms are completed, but that may be a tad optimistic given how much negativity has surrounded this year’s summer games leading up to this point. Maybe instead of worrying about getting Pokemon Go to be available to users visiting Rio, the city should have focused more on getting their facilities in gear for the world class event. Now that the games are here, however, we can only hope we can move our attention to the athletic competitions. Here’s hoping Jamaica and the rest of the world’s finest athletes manage to get a good night’s sleep on their bean bags.


About Kevin McGuire

Contributor to Athlon Sports and The Comeback. Previously contributed to Host of the Locked On Nittany Lions Podcast. FWAA member and Philadelphia-area resident.