Remember Sian Welby? You probably don’t, but in a 40-second forecast last year, she made 12 different Star Wars puns. And now, the UK TV meteorologist is back at it again, this time with Batman and Superman puns; 20 of them in 60 seconds.

“Sun will struggle to dent the cloud in the North Adam West” is a bad pun that you may have missed, but don’t worry, it gets better.

“Things have Gotham from bad to worse”… and as a low pressure moves in from the Atlantic means that “as the Dark (K)night Rises, wind, rain and cloud will be the Bane of the (Adam) West.” And if you did wonder about Easter Sunday, “there’s no justice” with rain across the home nations. Sadly, there are no icy conditions in the forecast so we couldn’t hear her trying to impersonate Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Mr. Freeze saying “Kick Some Ice”.

See if you can find all 20 bad puns hidden throughout a weather forecast you don’t care about for a movie that turned out to be as bad as the puns in the segment itself.


About Matt Lichtenstadter

Recent Maryland graduate. I've written for many sites including World Soccer Talk,, Testudo Times, Yahoo's Puck Daddy Blog and more. Houndstooth is still cool, at least to me. Follow me @MattsMusings1 on Twitter, e-mail me about life and potential jobs at matthewaaron9 at Yahoo dot com.