♩♫ Go Go Power Rangers *epic guitar solo* ♫♬

Power Rangers and it’s many variations have lived on as one of the most beloved children’s shows in television history. The often campy, silly and cheaply produced action was exhilarating and totally badass. Now, the Power Rangers are back, but it’s much more grounded offering than old fans are used to.

The first trailer for Lionsgate’s Power Rangers dropped on Sunday and if you were expecting brightly colored, silly action, the movie might not be for you. Instead, is a grittier, darker version of Power Rangers origin story.

Here’s the crux of the trailer: Five teenagers are misfits, outcasts (despite possessing super model good looks) and/or have home/daddy issues. The group visits a mysterious entity which gives them super powers – kind of like Josh Trank’s 2012 found footage film Chronicle. It’s all pretty generic, but somewhat interesting considering how different the take is. It’s a coming-of-age, action superhero movie. The teaser finishes strong with Elizabeth Banks in full Rita Repulsa garb and the Red Ranger morphin’ into his superhero self.

Does the trailer blow me away? No. But, it’s something totally different tonally, to what’s long been a limp franchise and could appeal to all ages. Old Power Rangers fans will be intrigued enough to see it and new fans will check it out to see yet another superhero origin story.

With a $150 million budget, Bryan Cranston playing Zordon and a promising cast of up-and-coming actors (RJ Cyler aka Blue Rangers was incredible in Me and Earl and the Dying Girl) I’m excited to see what Power Rangers does with the franchise.

About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing. Liammcguirejournalism@gmail.com