PHILADELPHIA – JUNE 09: CBC sportscaster Don Cherry reports before Game Six of the 2010 NHL Stanley Cup Final between the Chicago Blackhawks and the Philadelphia Flyers at the Wachovia Center on June 9, 2010 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. (Photo by Bruce Bennett/Getty Images)

Don Cherry has unsurprisingly thrown his full support behind team USA head coach John Tortorella and his recent comments he’d bench any player who protested the anthem.

The rambunctious Coach’s Corner host tweeted his support of Tortorella and as he’s done in the past, blamed the criticism towards Tortorella on the “left wing media.”

John Tortorella, the USA coach for World Cup, is being criticized for his stance where he stated if a player doesn’t stand for the National Anthem he will sit for the rest of the game. This is a very unpopular stance with our left wing media. He will be ripped to shreds. They already have said he should step down as coach. I will tell you a story… I was asked by the Maple Leafs if I would introduce 300 soldiers to Canada. They had just come back from Afghanistan and were at the game. I was asked during the 2nd period TV timeout to introduce them to the crowd. The game was between the New York Rangers and the Toronto Maple Leafs at the ACC. When I introduced the soldiers naturally everybody in the building except, I must say the then Leafs coach, gave a standing ovation for our troops. That included the New York Rangers bench and John Tortorella. John and Mrs. Tortorella are God caring people who have dedicated their lives to helping our animal friends who have been abused and abandoned. John’s whole family, including his son who is in the service, loves USA and feels that the anthem should be honoured. God Bless them.

If Cherry perceives any disrespect towards patriotism, he’s going to load up on anti-left wing rhetoric. He called San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s protest “very wrong” and blamed the Tenors controversial anthem change on “left wing weirdos.” If Cherry can shift the conversation to seem like the fault of liberals, he will. He’s as subtle as an atomic bomb. As Greg Wyshysnki of Yahoo’s Puck Daddy points out, Cherry’s comments blaming the left wing on calling for Tortorella’s resignation are from Stephen A. Smith. Somehow this man is left wing according to Don.

Cherry clearly doesn’t understand the issue and is politicizing it heavily. Again, as many old white guys have already, he’s making it about the military. Kaepernick’s stance isn’t anti-solider, but it’s anti-oppression of minorities. I’m shocked someone as casually racist as Cherry doesn’t understand. Tortorella’s comments are stubborn, ignorant and unwelcome. Cherry throwing his support for him is further proof of how wrong he is.



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About Liam McGuire

Social +Staff writer for The Comeback & Awful Announcing.