In a rare interview about his personal life, Shaquille O’Neal revealed to singer Monica on her podcast “Mo Talk Radio” about regrets he had in destroying the two most important relationships in his life.
“I had two perfect women and I messed it up,” Shaq said. “My first one was my baby mother, Arnetta [Yardbourgh], and then I met Shaunie [Nelson]. Shaunie was also a perfect woman and I messed it up.”
Shaq later admitted that he was just young and dumb, but is grateful that the two women have forgiven him.
“Yeah, you know, we were young and always just doing dumb stuff,” he said. “But, the good thing about our relationship is that they forgave me and we have a good relationship now. But when you ask me about the perfect woman — I had two perfect women and I messed it up, just by, you know, being dumb.”
He also says he now tries to advise his sons on how to treat women.
“First thing you have to be is honest, honest with yourself and honest with your partner… I tell my sons all the time, a man has three jobs when it comes to a woman. Protect, provide, and love,” he said.
Shaq has been very candid about his personal life of late and despite his ex-wife Shaunie remarrying last May, he still refers to her as his wife.
“I hope this gentleman treats her the way she’s supposed to be treated, and I’m going to still love her,” he said.“She’s still my wife. I will always protect, provide and love for her — married or not.”