Buckle in (pun intended) for this story.
A Utah Highway Patrol officer pulled over what he thought was an impaired driver driving slowly and weaving in and out of lanes on I-15. When the officer came up to the driver’s window of the SUV he pulled over, he instead saw a five-year-old barely able to see out the windshield in the driver’s seat.
Stopped around lunch time Monday, Trooper Rick Morgan was actually on his way to stop a speeder when he saw the slow SUV. Morgan found out from the boy that he was five-years-old and was on his way to a relative’s house in California to buy a Lamborghini. Police was able to locate his parents and no charges have been filed.
Asked why the kid decided to joyride, family members said the boy was upset that his mother wouldn’t buy him a Lamborghini. So while his parents were away at work and an older sibling fell asleep while baby sitting him, the boy grabbed the keys and took off.
Thankfully, the kid was only on the road a few minutes and didn’t hurt himself or anyone else. Hopefully this kid someday realizes his life goal to own a Lamborghini, let’s just hope he doesn’t do anything illegal to make that happen.
[Utah Department of Public Safety/KSL/Photo: @UTHighwayPatrol]