Youth baseball coach and umpire get into ugly fight
"There’s no place for that in youth sports."
"There’s no place for that in youth sports."
For those who remember the early 2000s video game MLB Slugfest, watching a baserunner brawl out on the defense isn’t a new concept.
"I'm just grateful that he's still alive, because I was pretty much told he had a 0% chance to live."
"Just 36 hours ago, Easton was 30 minutes from passing away."
The brutal call in extra innings sent Washington to the Little League World Series.
"That's a tough strike."
"Hey, you're doing just great."
"It's raining tacos from the sky!"
It's shocking to see a coach act even more childish than the kids that he is coaching.
"And this guy's a firefighter who protects your neighborhood."